Our skin is our largest organ and around 60% of what we apply to our bodies is absorbed into our skin.

Choose skincare that is safe and as free from toxic chemicals as much as possible, especially when it comes to the sensitive skin of our little ones.

~ The 10 best organic ingredients to look for in your skin care products ~


  1. Aloe Vera juice and extract can aid in keeping the skin supple, and has been used to control problem skin. Aloe’s benefits come from increasing the availability of oxygen to the skin and increasing the synthesis and strength of tissue. Aloe is also known as the “medicine plant’.
  2. Avocado Oil is used for its wonderful rich oil, high in Vitamin A and D and the abilities to heal skin.
  3. Calendula extract has wonderful soothing properties. It protects the skin skin in the cold, windy and harsh weather conditions or after sunburn, due to its emollient properties.
  4. Chamomile extract and essential oil is an excellent skin wash, making the skin soft and supple. It’s calming and cooling action may be beneficial for soothing irritated skin.
  5. Evening Primrose Oil contains high amounts of fatty acids that improves the skins ability to develop normal functions and is commonly used for dry, flaky skin.
  6. Glycerine is derived from vegetable oils and is used for its ability of absorbing moisture from the air, and therefore helps keep moisture in creams and other products.
  7. Jojoba Oil helps promote healing of the skin in many ways. It has antimicrobial properties which means it actually discourages the growth of some bacterial and fungal microbes that attack the skin. It’s chemical composition closely resembles that of the skin’s natural sebum, so it is easily absorbed and rarely causes allergic reactions even in the most sensitive individuals.
  8. Lavender Essential Oil provides a natural and gentle fragrance and it is well known for its calming properties and relief for mild skin disorders.
  9. Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil is the best source of high quality natural lemon scent. Used as an essential oil and cleansing toner. Also an excellent natural antibacterial.
  10. Shea Butter helps heal burns, sores, scars, dermatitis, psoriasis, dandruff and stretch marks. It may also help diminish wrinkles by moisturising the skin promoting cell renewal and increasing circulation. Shea butter also contains cinnamic acid, a substance that helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays.



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