Babies love their toys but don’t understand the danger posed by the germs they can carry.

Unless toys are cleaned properly and often, your child can get sick because of the lingering dirt, grime or germs on their toys.

You need to clean the dirt off toys and sanitise them.

Here are 5 ways to maintain clean toys for your child:

  1. Clean when you notice dirt or grime – if you see that food has been spilt on a toy or it has dirt on it when your child is outside, take the initiative and give it a clean.
  2. Clean toys after your baby has been sick – your child will never be well if they go back to playing with the same toys that they were using when they came down with a cold.
  3. Clean after your baby has visitors – if other children come over to play, they have likely touched the toys.
  4. Clean at least once a month – even if nothing in particular has prompted you to clean your baby’s toys, you need to clean at regular intervals.
  5. Remember the big items – it can be easy to forget about big toys, like dollhouses, but these need regular cleaning too.


Keep germs at bay on your children’s toys, especially as Winter approaches.

KidsBliss Toy & Table Cleaner is designed as an easy way to spray and wipe and quickly clean everywhere around the house, including your baby’s toys.

Using sweet orange and tangerine, KidsBliss Toy & Table cleaner leaves a delightful aroma.

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