Most detergents, even so called ‘natural ones’ often contain dyes and artificial fragrances that can irritate your skin or trigger eczema. They may also contain polluting phosphates, silicates and (so called) natural artificial brightening agents.
They are also very toxic if swallowed and have been implicated as low-level carcinogens. Many are also known to create air pollution.
Some detergents are highly alkaline and can be harmful if splashed in the eyes or swallowed.
Below are 3 key things to look for when you are purchasing a safe and effective laundry detergent for your family:
1. Must be gentle on your baby’s skin
Many mainstream detergents contain a multitude of chemicals and fragrances that can irritate the skin. This is even common in adults. Since babies have much more sensitive skin, they’re also more susceptible to outbreaks and baby eczema caused by these detergents.
2. Free of toxic chemicals & fragrances
Pick up any bottle from your local supermarket and you’ll be astounded by the number of chemicals listed on the label. Things like: synthetic detergents (often made from petroleum), phenols (endocrine disrupters like BPA), chemical fragrance (phthalates), optical brighteners (benzene) and bleach. Any good, safe detergent won’t contain any of these ingredients.
3. Effective on baby-stains
You need a detergent that’s effective. Poop, pee and puke stains are going to be your daily enemy, and you might be worried that natural detergents aren’t going to be an effective fighter of these stains.
Naturally sourced detergents are an effective stain fighter, capable of washing even the most poopy or pukey of baby clothes.
KidsBliss laundry liquid unlocks and releases the deepest and most stubborn ground-in dirt without using harsh chemicals.
We use Organic Lavender, Horsetail & Witch Hazel Extracts in our laundry detergent to ensure there is no irritation on the skin from any residues left on your clothes after they are washed.